03-8920 2690   CD KEY RENEWAL
A Revolutionary Software Package with Visual Coding medium using symbolic blocks (like flowcharts) for Creating, Testing, Modifying, Measuring, Controlling and Animating, to produce logical results (Outputs) based on Designed Lesson. It compliments Discovery Learning. Programs are created as using symbolic blocks (like flowcharts) by click & drop onto the screen and drawing routes between them. The program then can be executed. Depending on the program created, FlowLogic 5 will process it and provide the necessary output on screen and/or external devices as specified by the user.

Students from Primary to University level will be able to learn to code to create logical sequences visually with real programming language syntax to illustrate the designed lessons.

Virtual Project – Ideal for Logic Reasoning and Thinking
FlowLogic 5 also comes with numerous pre-build Virtual Projects. Virtual Projects are active on-screen simulations of control systems which contain a range of output devices and sensors. User can build program by building Logic Sequences using FlowLogic 5 to control virtual output devices and make them respond to the virtual sensors and/or external input devices. When they run their program, the Virtual System is activated, so that clicking the on-screen sensors or switches creates an animated response.

FlowLogic 5 Discovery based Learning program will help schools to develop their student’s psychomotor skills and the inculcation of desirable work attitudes through acquisition of practical skills in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Action Research by JPN Selangor - Official Launching
National MGGM Convention
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